Grain and Oilseed Processing Solutions
Pest Solutions for Grain and Oilseed Processing

If you’re operating a grain mill, you’re thinking about pests. Ecolab has decades of experience, as well as on-staff scientists, to rid your plant of pests and help you pass food safety audits.
Pest Control for Food and Beverage Processing
Scientifically proven strategies help treat and prevent pests, and simple, audit-ready data makes it easier to meet regulatory requirements.
Grain Fumigation in Mills
To address the constant threat of insects in incoming grain shipments, our grain bin fumigation services proactively protect your grain from beetles, weevils and other pests.
Stored-Product Pest Control
Stored-Product Pest Control: Board-certified entomologists help resolve your toughest pest challenges, so you can keep your business running at peak production.
Boiler Protection for Grain and Oilseed Processing
For 80+ years, Ecolab has worked in thousands of boiler plants supporting the production of safe, reliable and cost-effective steam.

3D TRASAR™ Boiler System
Our corrosion stress monitor responds to preboiler corrosion stress in real time, delivering the correct dose of oxygen scavenger or passivator. Our 3D TRASAR™ Boiler System then uses fluorescence technology to prevent scale formation inside your boiler. It also identifies potential causes of system variability and abnormal conditions, making it a powerful diagnostic tool.
Industrial Cooling Water Systems for Oilseed Extraction
Corrosion, scaling, fouling and biological contamination are threats to your industrial cooling tower and closed-loop efficiency.

Nalco Water helps you answer those threats—and prioritize biofuel production efficiency—with cooling water treatment solutions including chemicals, equipment, automation and software. Our solutions are designed to safely optimize cooling system performance while conserving water and minimizing waste.