Unwanted polymerization (fouling) during butadiene purification is a constant challenge for plant operators. During new equipment commissioning or turnaround, carbon steel equipment (tanks, towers, packing, pumps, exchangers, lines, etc.), can develop a red surface rust coating. Red rust (haematite) accelerates the breakdown of peroxides to peroxy radicals that serve as polymerization initiators.
Another problem encountered in areas where butadiene concentrates, such as the purification section of a butadiene plant, is the presence of popcorn polymer. Popcorn polymer contains active free radicals in the polymer matrix. If not passivated, residual popcorn polymer remaining in the tower can promote further popcorn growth.
Nalco Water passivation technology is:
- Effective at low temperatures
- Easy to apply
- Easy to monitor
- Nontoxic
The Nalco Water passivation procedure includes two steps. The first step is popcorn polymer passivation with an effective popcorn polymer inhibitor. The second step, using the Nalco Water non-toxic metal passivator, converts the red rust to black rust (magnetite), deactivating the red rust.
Nalco makes no warranties with respect to crystalline polymers, including but not limited to popcorn polymer and other crystalline polymers as well as polybutadiene peroxides. Customer is solely responsible for controlling oxygen ingress as well as identifying and remediating any stagnant areas or piping segment that are open to the process but that do not have flow through it “e.g. dead-legs.” Customer is solely responsible for complying with applicable laws and protocols for the safe handling, transportation, and storage of butadiene/Crude C4 as described in the Butadiene Product Stewardship Guidance Manual published by the American Chemistry Council.