Pure Comfort™ Mineral Pool and Spa Products
Generating chlorine from a gentle saline solution, our Pure Comfort™ Mineral System creates silky soft water. Guests avoid excessive dry skin, strong chlorine odors and eye irritation. There is no need for bulk storage of sanitizer on-site and it helps eliminate the risk of mixing incompatible chemicals such as bleach and muriatic acid.
Pure Comfort™ Mineral Pool and Spa Products
Ecolab's Pure Comfort™ Mineral System generates chlorine sanitizer necessary to maintain a safe and balanced pool
- On-site production of chlorine sanitizer, in the pool water itself, comes from a gentle saline solution
- The salinity of the pool water is as mild as that of a human tear, creating silky soft water — a swimming experience like no other
Provides a comfortable and enjoyable swimming environment
- Crystal clear, silky, soft and soothing water
- Minimizes eye and skin irritation
- Reduces unpleasant chlorine smell,
- Automation to ensure proper water balance
- 24/7 computerized monitoring
- Technical support by remote support specialists
- Personalized service and staff training
Pure Comfort Mineral Pool and Spa Products

Aqua Balance Cal Hypo Shock
This product will provide a shock treatment to pools that have to be shocked or superchlorinated.

Aqua Balance Total Alkalinity
Designed to control the alkalinity of swimming pools and spas to the levels required by the state health codes.

Aqua Balance™ pH Plus
Aqua Balance pH Plus counteracts problems like irritation of eyes and skin and corrosion of expensive equipment by raising pH level to the ideal 7.2 - 7.6 range.