Sustainability and Business Success

Ecolab Water for Climate helps drive profitability. It's a smart water management solution designed to turn your sustainability goals into business growth, efficiency and continuity.

Your success is our goal. Ecolab has helped companies excel for more than a century, and Ecolab Water for Climate is an evolution of that effort. Our experts partner with you and provide water reduction solutions tailored to your business.

Water strategies to grow your business.

The Power of Water

Moving, cooling, heating and treating water across your facility requires energy. When you partner with Ecolab, you leverage our expertise, resources and water conservation technologies to reduce your water use, helping lower your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

The end result? You help improve water resilience, credibility and profit.

Ecolab Water for Climate™ water strategies help deliver on your sustainability and business growth goals with a four-step approach:

Icon: Earth in the center of a small plant

Understand Your Goals

Your goals are the first step. We begin by taking the time to understand where you are and where you want to be, so we can design a blueprint for success.

  • We'll learn about your strategy and drivers for publicly stated water goals at the enterprise and local levels
  • Review approach to meet goals within operational constraints and take into account local climate, regulations and water quality
  • Compare to industry benchmarks


Icon: Lightbulb

Gain Insights

Next, we conduct a thorough assessment to uncover insights that inform a successful water strategy and management program.

  • Assess manufacturing site operations based on its unique production
  • Evaluate designs for the most efficient engineered solutions
  • Create an Ecolab Water for Climate Blueprint to reach goals across the enterprise


Icon: Arrows around a drop of water

Implement Actions

Following the Ecolab Water for Climate Blueprint, our on-site industry water experts help implement and maintain solutions. 

  • On-site consulting, project management and service
  • Advanced chemistries
  • Digital technologies to drive water-reduction strategies
  • Engineering design, implementation and operation
Icon: Chart with an up arrow

Deliver Outcomes

Improve your water resiliency, operational performance and productivity with an enterprise partnership. 

  • Reduce water use and impacts on energy and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Protect brand equity
  • Deliver and report reduction in water use and the impact on energy and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Gain operational and cost efficiency
Reuters Better Water, Better Business image representation for article download.

Less Water, Better Business

Leading companies understand the strategic importance of water to their operations, stakeholders and customers. With the Ecolab Water for Climate program, these companies have a program designed to meet their business and sustainability goals at the same time.

Push What’s Possible With Water

Learn how you can leverage Ecolab Water for Climate to achieve your water conservation and business goals.

Dairy Manufacturing Plant with bottles of milk on a conveyor. Reaching water reduction potential.

Ecolab Water for Climate in Food & Beverage Manufacturing

Achieve Enterprise and Local Water Goals

Pressure is high in the food and beverage industry to address water scarcity and maintain business continuity. It’s not enough to simply focus on the local water problem of the day. Instead, it’s critical to the success of your business to always push what’s possible with water—at the enterprise level and at each plant.

With Ecolab, you can:

  • Design your water program with the entire plant in mind
  • Scale what is working to other facilities 
Ecolab partners with data centers to help reduce industrial water usage and realize water reduction potential.

Ecolab Water for Climate in Data Centers

How to Protect Water While Driving Uptime and Growth

A connected universe means more data and more data centers to keep cool. Water is an efficient coolant but in many places, it's running out.

When using water is your best option but you can’t use too much, balance is key. That means minimizing water use while avoiding risk and protecting growth.

With Ecolab, you can:

  • Vet all your cooling options
  • Benchmark water and cooling efforts
  • Align local water variance with your corporate goals
  • Increase capacity in current infrastructure
Tata Steel - steel mill

Ecolab Water for Climate in the Primary Metals Industry

Galvanize Your Operations to Reach Your Water and Profitability Goals

Water is vital to your entire production process, but water scarcity creates concerns about business continuity. You need to differentiate against your competitors, maintain efficiency and achieve growth goals all while conserving water.

To accomplish this, your site leaders need the resources to achieve their production targets and deliver their water goals. It's critical to the success of your business to push what's possible with water, just like you continuously push to maintain your critical assets.

With Ecolab, you can:

  • Assess the impact of water in your operations
  • Increase the speed and scale of your water savings initiatives
  • Demonstrate your enterprise results to your stakeholders
Chemical facility

Ecolab Water for Climate in the Chemical Industry

Catalyze a Pathway to Profitability Through Water Conservation

Boards and shareholders are applying ever-increasing pressure to address the impacts of climate change and water stress. Governments are continuously introducing water legislation. Your customers and their value chain want to work with industry leaders who demonstrate progress towards their sustainability goals.

To achieve your ambitious growth goals while conserving water, your site leaders need the resources to achieve production targets and make smart investments to deliver their water goals. It's critical to the success of your business to push what's possible with water, just like you continuously push to maintain your operational performance.

With Ecolab, you can:

  • Assess the impact of water in your operations
  • Increase the speed and scale of your water savings initiatives
  • Demonstrate your enterprise results to your stakeholders
River running through trees

Growth & Impact Report

Accelerating Performance

Ecolab is working with our customers and supply partners to build a positive future. Together, we are creating lasting positive impact while driving business growth.

We’re Here to Help

Connect with us to learn about our Ecolab Water for Climate program and how we can work together to push what’s possible with water, so you can use less vital resources while enhancing productivity.

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader that can help you achieve your business and water goals at the same time. Our experts can guide you from inception to implementation of your water strategy across your food and beverage plants.

Connect To Learn More!

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  • Productivity savings are based on 59 food and beverage industry assessments and water system modeling. Actual results will vary based on individual site design and operation.
  • Uptime improvements are based on water system modeling, improved visibility that increases response time and improved water-related operational procedures. Actual results will vary based on individual site design and operation.
  • Improvements are based on water system modeling, site assessments and improved water-related operational procedures in the primary metals and chemical industries. Actual results will vary based on individual site design and operation.